Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Here We Go Again . . .

I've kept journals before. I've also had a blog before. But never have I kept a journal on a blog. So, I've decided to try it out. If you're reading this, it's probably at least a couple weeks old. I'm still in that awkward "I want to write stuff, but I don't want anyone to read what I'm writing" phase, but it should pass soon. 'Cause deep down, I do want you to read this blog. I want your accountability so I stay consistent with my writing. I also want your accountability so I stay consistent in my walk with God.  I'm gonna do my best to be real on here. To truly tell you what is going on in my life as I pursue true Joy in my sacrificial service to God. I need this accountability. So hopefully my dumb pride will fade quickly, so I can get the word out about my blog.

I hope the potential encouragement that I can see occurring through this site is the real deal. That's my goal in this endeavor. I want you to be encouraged by my honesty and raw portrayal of how I live my life for God. But I also want you to read and comment on my posts. This will encourage me more than you know. So as you read, comment and start a discussion on what I'm writing. (Trust me, some of my content is sure to be debatable.)

So take what I write for what it's worth and tell me what you think. In this, we can strive to push each other to better love and serve our Lord, Jesus Christ.

It's all for His glory. That's how it works when He is my Lord, and I am His slave.

An Excited Servant of God,
Cameron Francis

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